
Showing posts from February, 2018

Welcome to Financial Aid Officer Audrey Dawson!

The downtown Palmer Campus would like to welcome Financial Aid Officer Audrey Dawson. She moved from Main Campus to here, and she has been at Trident Tech since 2009. She is veteran certified, and is eager to work with veterans and active duty military so that she can help them make the transition to college. As a military mom, she knows how significant this is. She prides herself on her customer service skills. She believes that every person is important because every time you see someone is the like the first time - you can always learn something new. She's originally from North Charleston, and is now a grandmother to an 8th month old. Join us in welcoming her to the campus!

Free HIV Testing on Feb 24th


Black History Month Downtown Palmer Campus Spotlight - African Americans in Times of War: The Robert Smalls Story on Feb 21st

On May 13, 1862, Robert Smalls, a crew of other enslaved sailors, and their families sailed out of the Charleston Harbor to freedom on a Confederate ship they handed over to Union forces. For this and many other notable accomplishments, Smalls looms large in the history of South Carolina, and Charleston, in particular. While Smalls was largely written out of South Carolina history for a number of years, his story could not be contained or controlled. Smalls has been honored with a monument at Charleston Waterfront Park, with numerous books and events, and now with an event at Trident Technical College - Downtown Palmer Campus.  A picture taken at Charleston Waterfront Park from the Post and Courier article " Robert Smalls Lauded as Civil Rights Pioneer " Join us for the 2018 Palmer Black History Month Spotlight program, "African Americans in Times of War: The Robert Smalls Story," on February 21, 2018, from 10:30-11:30 in the Palmer Amphitheater. The event will feat...

Clemente Coalition holding Valentine's Day Sale to Benefit Downtown Palmer Campus Grocery Vault on Feb 12 and 13


Looking for a Job in Hospitality? Job Fair on Feb 27th


Welcome Students on Feb 8th


Rolling Through the Ages: Women and Surfing by Dr. Katharine Purcell
