Celebrate our Pillars of Palmer: See the New Portriat Gallery


You can see our new portrait gallery honoring our Pillars of Palmer - faculty, staff, and community members who have contributed to the college and to the community.  You can see the physical exhibit by visiting our Library Commons on the Palmer Campus, and you can also read about it in our online exhibit
Honoring the Past: Gerald Mackey

We here at Trident Technical College seek to honor the past, for knowing where you come from helps you get where you’re going. Gerald Mackey embodies the history of these buildings we move through today. He started his career teaching African American students in the segregated CA Brown High School that created this campus. When Trident Technical College bought the building for its downtown campus, he eventually ended up running it. The TTC downtown Palmer Campus grew under his leadership. 

Preserving for the Future:  Dr. Susan Millar Williams and Mary Edwards

We here at Trident Technical College also work to preserve the past and the present for the future. We see ourselves as stewards of the land, the buildings, and the memories of the people who move through them. Our next two honorees serve as our most prominent recorders of the history of this campus and the community around it.

Dr. Susan Williams reads, writes, and talks about our local history, making what has been invisible, visible. She has published numerous books and articles, worked on documentaries, and given lectures on local history. She charts the landscape of memory, and encourages others to do the same.

Mary Edwards lives in the Eastside, and knows it like few others. She was also a graduate of CA Brown High School. She brought that knowledge with her to Trident Technical College, enriching the development of Eastside Day and other community projects. She gives voice to her community within the walls of the academy, representing and honoring those who came before her, and paving the way for those who will follow.

Connecting the Community: The Presidents, former and present, of the Eastside Community Development Corporation

If you want something done in the Eastside, you need to talk to the Eastside Community Development Corporation. We at Trident Technical College strive to be a part of the community we serve, and our strongest partner has been the Eastside Community Development Corporation.  They came in our gates, and got us outside those gates. They help us make the gates irrelevant. These presidents serve their community, creating programs, organizing events, supporting businesses, and fostering education. We honor the work this organization has done, and the people who helped make it happen.


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