Eastside History Series: Cigar Boxes
by Dr. Susan Millar Williams
Growing up in Arkansas in the 1960s, I thought of cigar boxes as a real treasure, and I often begged the local drugstore to let me have their discards. Most of the ones I managed to get hold of were made from cardboard printed to resemble wood grain, and they had once held Roi-Tans, which sold for five cents each. Little did I know then that I would someday work in Charleston, right across the street from the building that once housed the American Tobacco factory, where those boxes (and the cigars they contained) were made.

Most boxes were designed to double as counter displays, so that merchants could prop them open like this and sell the contents individually.

These men (to the left) are posing in front of the Charleston factory not long after the turn of the century, along with huge cedar logs that were once used to make cigar boxes. The finest were made of Spanish cedar, though others were made of other woods, including poplar, sometimes with a thin veneer of cedar. Most were fastened together with small nails, and printed paper trim was pasted on.
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