Need Math Help?

Do you need math help? We offer tutoring, a Math Cube for private studying and assistance, and Faculty Office Hours to get you the help you need.

Free Math Tutoring

Ms. Aldrich offers free math tutoring 9:00-2:00 MWF and 11:30-3:30 TTh in Palmer room 226. Contact her at to schedule an appointment.

The Main Campus on Rivers Ave in North Charleston also offers free math tutoring 8:00 am -6:00 pm M-TTh in building 300, room 358.

Math Cube

Palmer Campus offers a private, quiet study and group work space in Palmer room 156A (in the Science and Math Office Suite).  You can find others working there and can find faculty close by for assistance.

Faculty Office Hours

Need help from your instructor? Stop by their Office Hours, which is the time that faculty are in their offices for drop-in and scheduled meetings with students. You can find their office hours by looking at their schedules on their doors. This term you can find Jane Simkovich in room 156D Mondays 11:00-4:00 and Wednesdays 9:00-12:00.


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