Grocery Vault to Open on Wednesdays 12:30-4:00 in Spring 2 Term

The Grocery Vault will reopen next week as students return to class. For Spring II the Vault will be open Wednesdays from 12:30-4:00PM in room 104. For an emergency or appointment outside of these hours please call 843-722-5561. We are still looking for additional student volunteers to operate the vault during this timeframe. If you know any students who may be interested please have them stop by the Vault during operating hours, or they can email me.  

Also, please note that we will have several options for Easter meals including canned hams (12) and vegan options (2-field roasts and 2 tofurky’s).  On Wednesday March 28th we will have these available to disburse on a first-come-first-served to students/faculty/staff in advance of the Easter Holiday.

Thanks to Dr. Hudock we also have a range of vegan items on hand  for students, faculty, or staff to choose from, including:

·          12 boxes of vegan mushroom gravy

·         12 boxes of almond milk

·         12 boxes of vegan instant potatoes

·         1 vegan baked beans

·         1 vegan Thai instant meal

·         1 vegan Asian bowl

·         1 vegan Bombay Potatoes

·         4 packages of vegan burgers

·         4 packages of vegan hot dogs

·         12 boxes of vegan mac and cheese


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