Free Writing Tutoring Available

The Writing Center is open to all TTC students.  Tutors help students build their skills in areas like grammar, punctuation, proofreading techniques, etc.  Assistance is available for any stage in the writing process.  What tutors will NOT DO is proofread or simply correct errors in papers.  

Students who develop their writing skills will feel more prepared and less overwhelmed while in the classroom.  The Writing Center offers a nonjudgmental, casual environment where students can seek individualized help for their writing issues.

Instructors who encourage their students to use the Writing Center build their confidence to write better papers.  Better equipped students get better grades, turn in better papers, and allow instructors to spend more time on lessons and less time on remedial topics.  

The Writing Center is an important resource in student success and instructors are central to that success.   Here are suggestions (that do work) to get students to use the Writing Center:
  • GIVE BONUS POINTS on a particular paper or quiz if students see a Writing Center tutor. Often five points is enough to encourage students to come.
  • ALLOW A PAPER RESUBMISSION if students see a tutor for assistance with their rewrite.
And, there are ideas that DO NOT work:

  • FORCING STUDENTS TO UTILIZE THE WRITING CENTER as part of a grade.  Seeking help should always be voluntary.

Monday    9:00 - 8:00
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday   10:00 - 8:00
Friday    8:00 - Noon

Drop-ins are welcome but appointments are encouraged to ensure students are seen during peak times.  Appointments are half hour in length.

Students should bring a copy of their assignment and their draft (or ideas) to their appointment.   

Those needing ONLINE tutoring help can email their papers to:   Students will need to book an online or phone appointment with a tutor prior to sending their paper. 

The Writing Center is located in 510/123 and the phone is 574-6623.

On the Downtown Palmer Campus, you can receive free writing tutoring by contacting the Student Success Center at 720-5516 or stopping by room 226.  


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