
Showing posts from July, 2018

MUSC is still accepting applications for the Online Bachelor of Science degree in Healthcare Studies for Fall 2018.

This online degree program is for student who have completed all general education requirements, and a minimum of 60 undergraduate credit hours with a preferred minimum GPA of 3.0. This unique and exciting program is for students either ready to enter the healthcare workforce or preparing for graduate school. For the Fall 2018 cohort, The Bachelor of Science degree program at MUSC has already accepted students who have attended the following SCTC system colleges: Trident Spartanburg Midlands Greenville Orangeburg-Calhoun Central Carolina Horry Georgetown Denmark MUSC is happy to offer students a review of unofficial transcripts for eligibility and if needed, offer academic advisement toward eligibility. Students can learn more and apply to the MUSC Online Bachelor of Science degree in HealthcareStudies . 

TTC Lean Manufacturing Certificate Counts as One Year of Manufacturing Experience at 40 Local Companies

So, do you want to work at Mercedes or Volvo or one of the other manufacturing companies in our area but have no experience? To get trained for a job in manufacturing, you can start by pursuing our Lean Manufacturing Certificate.  The certificate will count as one year of manufacturing experience when you apply to any of these companies.  We will be offering this program on the downtown Palmer Campus, as well as other locations.   If you are interested in finding out more, call 843.574.6152. Click here for a printable registration form . Company Name American Tactical ARGOS Atlantic Packaging Belting Industries Benchmark Machining, Inc. BID Group Briteline Extrusions Coastal Corrugated Coastal Logistics Group, Inc. Coastal Millwork & Supply, LLC DC Machine Dover Hydraulics, Inc. ECMD Freeman Boatworks Geocycle Giant Cement by Elementla ICL Innovative Machine Technology James Hardie Kapstone Lumber ...

Summer Bash on Main Campus on July 26th


Gregory Cushing Receives Award for Work on Grocery Vault

Dr. Charlotta Creel presented Admissions Officer Gregory Cushing an award for all his work advising students working on the Grocery Vault. Congratulations!

First Eastside Scholarship Recipient Now Enrolled at the Downtown Palmer Campus

Congratulations to Terrence Broughton, one of our first Eastside Scholarships recipients! We are so proud to partner with the  Eastside Community Development Corporation  and the  Cigar Factory  to support this young man in his dream of working in law enforcement.  Terrence is a recent graduate of Burke High School.

Berkeley County High School Graduates Offered New SC Promise Scholarship to Trident Tech


Free GED Classes on the Downtown Palmer Campus Registering Aug 20th


Free Application Day on Saturday, July 14th

Receive a waiver of the $30 fee if you complete the application at the event and then leave with details of what to do next to be a TTC student. Bring the following materials for application completion: Proof of high school graduation or completion of GED Qualifying SAT or ACT scores – SAT (Critical Reading 480/Revised SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 530 and SAT Math 580/Revised SAT Math 600) or ACT (English 19 and ACT Math 22). If you don’t have scores, you can schedule an appointment to take the TTC placement test. Proof of United States citizenship (valid driver’s license or state-issued ID) or legal immigration status (visa or state-issued ID). Social Security number

Free Writing Tutoring Available

WHAT WE DO The Writing Center is open to all TTC students.   Tutors help students build their skills in areas like grammar, punctuation, proofreading techniques, etc.   Assistance is available for any stage in the writing process.   What tutors will NOT DO is proofread or simply correct errors in papers.   BENEFITS TO STUDENTS Students who develop their writing skills will feel more prepared and less overwhelmed while in the classroom.   The Writing Center offers a nonjudgmental, casual environment where students can seek individualized help for their writing issues. BENEFITS TO INSTRUCTORS Instructors who encourage their students to use the Writing Center build their confidence to write better papers.   Better equipped students get better grades, turn in better papers, and allow instructors to spend more time on lessons and less time on remedial topics.   The Writing Center is an important resource in student success and instructors are central to tha...